Découvrez notre travail sur le mécanisme européen d’ajustement carbone aux frontières (MACF)


Turning the EU’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism into a green development tool

Turning the EU’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism into a green development tool

Publication | Briefing
29 April 2024
A pro-development green trade agenda for COP-28

A pro-development green trade agenda for COP-28

Publication | Papier
29 November 2023
GT14  – EU trade and the environment: Development as the missing side of the triangle

GT14  – EU trade and the environment: Development as the missing side of the triangle

Publication | Papier
1 June 2023
GT11 – The EU CBAM and the path to sustainable trade policies: from 'coexistence' to ...

GT11 – The EU CBAM and the path to sustainable trade policies: from 'coexistence' to ...

Publication | Papier
5 October 2022


Europe Jacques Delors has a new podcast series: Re-thinking Europe

Europe Jacques Delors has a new podcast series: Re-thinking Europe

News | Podcast
21 November 2023
In search of common ground on climate diplomacy - Part l

In search of common ground on climate diplomacy - Part l

News | Podcast
1 October 2023
Greening EU Trade: Integrating development as the missing part of the triangle

Greening EU Trade: Integrating development as the missing part of the triangle

News | Rapport d'événement
15 June 2023
Trade, Environment and Development nexus

Trade, Environment and Development nexus

News | Article
9 March 2023


Lamy: EU should work with African states to make carbon tax work

Lamy: EU should work with African states to make carbon tax work

Media | Interview
6 June 2024


Europe : La taxe carbone aux frontières (MACF), un dispositif controversé)

Europe : La taxe carbone aux frontières (MACF), un dispositif controversé)

Media | Article
9 January 2024


After the climate summit: How will climate tariffs change the world?

After the climate summit: How will climate tariffs change the world?

Media | Article
20 December 2023


COP28: Key outcomes agreed at the UN climate talks in Dubai

COP28: Key outcomes agreed at the UN climate talks in Dubai

Media | Article
13 December 2023


COP28 : les pays du Sud s'inquiètent des barrières commerciales érigées au nom du cli...

COP28 : les pays du Sud s'inquiètent des barrières commerciales érigées au nom du cli...

Media | Article
10 December 2023

Les Echos

World braces for change as EU CBAM comes into force

World braces for change as EU CBAM comes into force

Media | Article
28 September 2023

Carbon Pulse

Transition juste : "le développement est l'angle mort du 'verdissement' de la politiq...

Transition juste : "le développement est l'angle mort du 'verdissement' de la politiq...

Media | Interview
28 August 2023


SOMMET POUR UN NOUVEAU PACTE FINANCIER MONDIAL• Transition verte : « L’idéal serait u...

SOMMET POUR UN NOUVEAU PACTE FINANCIER MONDIAL• Transition verte : « L’idéal serait u...

Media | Interview
25 June 2023

L’Expresso, la newsletter d’EURACTIV France


22 July 2021

Cet événement est terminé

Public Webinar “Towards a European Carbon Border A...

30 August 2020

Cet événement est terminé

Comment verdir la politique commerciale européenne...

Une session officielle du Forum européen Alpbach 2020

3 June 2020

Cet événement est terminé

WEBINAR | Une proposition de mécanisme d'ajustemen...

Présentation du document d'orientation d'Europe Jacques Delors sur le mécanisme européen d'ajustemen...

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