EU Trade Policy Day 2021

EU Trade Policy Day 2021


Geneviève Pons' contributions to the EU Trade Policy Day 2021 Panel on Global trade rules for more sustainable and fairer globalization

Reaching climate neutrality by 2050 will require collective action

On Monday April 26, Director General and Vice-president of Europe Jacques Delors, Geneviève Pons participated in the annual "EU Trade Policy Day 2021", organized by the European Commission’s DG Trade with the purpose of discussing its new Trade Strategy to promote an open, sustainable, and assertive trade policy for the European Union.

Along with Heidi Hautala, Vice-president of the European Parliament; James Thornton, CEO of Client Earth; and Rupert Schlegelmilch, Director of DG Trade at the European Commission, Geneviève Pons participated in the #TradeDay21 panel on “Global Trade Rules for more Sustainable and Fairer Globalization".

To watch Trade Policy Day 2021's various panels, including the one herein mentioned on Global Trade Rules, follow the link below:

There is no contradiction between the environment and competitiveness, but we need to move quickly to a very different development model if we (Europe) want to be taken seriously. This will not happen if we do not get rid of harmful fossil fuel subsidies.

Geneviève Pons
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