Following the 2019 European elections, Europe Jacques Delors has started a series of publications and events providing solutions to green the EU's trade policy. The Covid-19 crisis emphasizes the topicality of this endeavor. Upon the publication of the latest policy paper focusing on Border Carbon Adjustments, Europe Jacques Delors invites you to a discussion with MEP Bernd Lange, Chair of the INTA Committee, Sabine Weyand, Director-General for Trade, Pascal Lamy, former Director-General of the WTO and Vice-President of Europe Jacques Delors and Geneviève Pons, Director-General of Europe Jacques Delors. « GT3 - A European Border Carbon Adjustment proposal » (Lamy, Pons, Leturcq) takes stock of past BCA attempts, reviews the legal and political criteria that need to be met for the adjustment mechanism to effectively meet its objectives, and provides concrete recommendations regarding the design of a European Border Carbon Adjustment mechanism.