Biodiversity: The new frontier of sustainable finance
28 November 2021

Biodiversity: The new frontier of sustainable finance


"Listen, woodcutter, stop your arm a little It’s not wood that you throw down, Can’t you see the blood, which drips with force Nymphs who lived under the tender bark?”  - Pierre de Ronsard, Against the loggers of the Gastine forest

Biodiversity: The new frontier of sustainable finance

The preservation and restoration of biodiversity was the theme of two major international events:

– The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) World Conservation Congress taking place this past September in Marseille, and which was attended by many political leaders from across Europe;

– The COP 15 which recently brought together the members of the United Nations in Kunming under the Chinese Presidency in an attempt to make joint progress, similar to the consecutive COPs on climate such as the COP 21 which led to the Paris Agreement or the COP 26 in Glasgow.

These two gatherings provided a worrisome picture of the biodiversity situation in the world.

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